Thursday, September 24, 2015

Autobiography of a Seed

My father is a big tree magnificently standing with his gigantic arms, glistening flowers, glowing leaves, a muscular stem and roots spread miles deep within the earth. Hundreds of species - men, animals and birds have taken shelter under his umbrage. No wind, storm or thunder could harm my father. I have always seen him majestically shining like a royal king.

Many a pollens of his flowers travelled far and wide along with wind, water and animals. On the way, most of them lost their strength and perished. A few were lucky enough to reach the ovaries of female flowers and fertilized.  I was one of those lucky pollens. When the embryo started growing, I was still getting space enough to lie down and also getting food within the protected walls of the seed. I was able to talk to my brothers and sisters comfortably lying within the precincts of other seeds through the medium of wireless connectivity. We all were being supplied the required comforts with full security from the adversities of outside world to which we were totally ignorant.

All was going on well except that our size was growing and we were feeling a sense of monotony within the protected environment. We discussed over phone the way out of this solitary confinement. Some happened to know the adversities their brothers faced when they broke the shell of their seeds and withered because they could not withstand the pressure of outer world. They advised to somehow contain the growth of size and adjust to the environment as they considered the embryo of the seed as the only comfort zone and they preached life with its meaning or its meaninglessness.

I started feeling suffocated in the comfort zone and decided to break the shell and explore the   outer world with its adversities. How long I could remain within shell. Many of my brothers who preferred to remain within comfort zones got sullen and soon died infecting disease and foul smell.

"Is it life, to be born, eat, live comfortably and die - to be forgotten soon by one and all. No, no. If I have to die, let me die exploring new pastures. Let me see the outer side of the shell", I thought and collecting all my strength, gave a great push to the wall, broke it and spread my little arms in the open world. I cried, "Such a beautiful world - bright light, fragrant air, dancing flowers, chirping birds, frightfully playing animals and laughing human beings. No boundaries whatsoever. A great interesting life before me. Birds flying far away with their beautiful wings spread. Fish dancing in water.  I shall not confine myself at one place. I shall walk, I shall run, I shall dance. I shall remain on earth, in water and in the sky. Oh, what a vast, lovely and beautiful world".

I was lost in my fascination, then night descended. There was awful silence. Men have gone to their homes, birds slept in their nests, animal confined to their dens except for some stray and ferocious dogs. It was getting cold- severe and unbearable. I was afraid that the chill of night would devour me or the dogs would tramp me under their feet or some animal would eat me away. I repented having left the security of my mother seed, the comfort zone. "Alas, there is no one to protect me.  I will die soon", I lamented. That night was to me as of thousand years long.

Gathering courage, I decided that I would face the challenges and protect myself.  Somehow, night passed. Day was again beautiful with all its zeal, enthusiasm and the will to live. I enjoyed the whole day and my body started growing faster than my growth in the seed. My roots were getting deeper, my arms spreading wide. Next night, my fear was far less - first, I was now stronger to face challenges and secondly, I had the experience to protect myself.

Days passed, I was growing, in strength and beauty. Many storms, scorching summers and chilly winters passed, I faced them all with courage, determination, hope and will to welcome a new day. I have grown to a magnificent stature with deep roots, strong stem, large branches full of green leaves, flowers and fruits. I am now giving shelter to hundreds of living beings - be it men, animals or the birds. My fruits are enjoyed by all and sundries. My pollens are flying far and wide to give birth to new seeds. Hundreds, thousands and lakhs of trees will be born out of me. I am amazed that my small decision of having come out of my comfort zone - the seed - could change the world so drastically.  My father feels proud of me and says, "He is my son".

Tilak Gulati,  Assistant General Manager, UCO Bank. 

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